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HEIGHT: 38px" align="left"> <p align="center"> <span class="style6"> <a class="bodylink" href="Swan_locations4.htm"> <font color="#ffffff"> <font face="Teen Light">&gt; Norge: 7441 Richmond Road Williamsburg, VA 23188</font> </font></a> </span> <span class="style9"> <span class="style4"> <strong>or</strong> </span> </span> <span class="style6"> <a class="bodylink" href="https://www.mapquest.com/search/results?query=7441%20Richmond%20Road%20Williamsburg,%20VA%2023188&boundingBox=37.26384132972154,-76.69079303741455,37.229439972340266,-76.62942409515381&page=0"> <font color="#ffffff">Mapquest it</font></a> <br/><font face="Teen Light"> <font color="#ffffff"> <font size="2">Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am- 6:30 pm</font>&nbsp;&nbsp; Saturday 8:00 am-4:00&nbsp;pm<br/><font size="2">Same Day Service: In by 11:00 am out by 5:00 pm</font></font> </font><br/><font color="#ffffff"></font></span> <br/> <span class="style6"> <a class="bodylink" href="Swan_locations.htm"> <font color="#ffffff"> <font face="Teen Light">Take me back to the main locations map</font> </font></a> </span> </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div align="center"></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table><map name="Map"> <area href="Swan_home.htm" shape="RECT" coords="41,-2,93,20"/> </map><map name="Map3"> <area href="Swan_home.htm" shape="RECT" coords="205,11,291,28"/> <area href="contact_form.php" shape="RECT" coords="391,8,450,25"/> </map><map name="Map4"> <area href="Swan_locations1.htm" shape="RECT" coords="99,82,134,121"/> <area href="Swan_locations2.htm" shape="RECT" coords="226,228,267,265"/> <area href="Swan_locations3.htm" shape="RECT" coords="174,417,209,449"/> <area href="Swan_locations4.htm" shape="RECT" coords="375,407,416,451"/> </map><map name="Map2"> <area href="Swan_home.htm" shape="RECT" coords="-3,-1,252,122"/> </map></body> </html>